This isn’t just a place to say “look what I made”... that’s what Instagram is for lol. I will be showing what I am making, but I hope to help people on their creative journey, show “how to’s” behind the scenes of my process, inspire people to make and try things, and realize that life is NOW! (Also, I want to learn from you- if you have a better way- enlighten me in the comments 💯)
Today I am firing a bisque load in my kiln. A month ago I had no idea how to do operate a kiln- I know a ton about clay and how to work with it... but using a kiln, no. I was intimidated and to be honest, overwhelmed! I watched videos, read manuals, bothered old teachers... and it is worth it!
I bought a Caldera XL test kiln by Paragon. It is teeny- only 7.5” square and 9.5” in height. (If you get this, you will also need to purchase the “furniture kit”). I almost got a huge kiln, but like I said, I was overwhelmed. I am having a good time learning on this one and it will come in handy in the future for testing glazes if I do ever dive into a jumbo kiln.
Today’s load is full of geometric rings and beads made from stoneware. I am not sure if the rings will work or be a dangerous hazard that could cut you... but if they work, I will show how I made them in a future post!
and a pic of my cutie little kiln...