01 about
My work is truly seeing the world through my eyes. Every person, color, and object are hand picked and altered to make the scene something of my dreams. I love to tap into the idea of a heightened nostalgia and longing, where we idealize and remember things better than they were. Dreamy colors and beautiful surroundings take you to a "happy place" so good it never existed.
02 portfolio

My work is truly seeing the world through my eyes. Every person, color and object are hand picked and altered to make the scene something of my dreams. I love to tap into the idea of a heightened nostalgia and longing, where we idealize and remember things better than they were. Dreamy colors and beautiful people and surroundings can take you to a "happy place" so good it never existed.
I am curious and am not afraid to experiment, play, and learn, with many different mediums. I don't like to box myself into one style. I have colors that I don't like and don't use... Other than that, I have no rules.
03 I do ceramics too...
I also work in sculpture and jewelry, mainly ceramics. I do this in waves, so keep an eye out on my instagram or subscribe below for the latest!
04 contact
Insta: @callielewickiart